Blue dart registration is required if you want the full services from Blue dart.generally for sending parcel you don’t need to register with them.Some special services like Pick up services,bulk item sending you need to register with Blue dart.
Blue Dart Registration
Blue dart registration has simple steps,you can do it very easily.At their page you can find two types of registrations options :
1. Existing Customers Registration : it lets you to extend their current services online.
2. New Users Registration : New clients those who register first time with Blue dart.Later they also can extend their account level.
How To Register With Blue Dart ?
Blue dart needs following details for registration :
1. Name : Enter full name
2. Address : Enter full address details
3. Location details : Submit landmark
4. Pin code : Enter your pin code.
5. Email Id : Provide your email address that you use daily.
6. Telephone Number : Any LAN phone number or mobile number.
7. Fax number : If you have Fax number put there (not mandatory)
8. Shipping Mode : Submit shipping mode (Air or surface as you wish)
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